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State Authorization

West Virginia University is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), a national initiative managed by the National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements ( NC-SARA) aimed at enhancing student access to online education and distance learning programs. West Virginia University joined NC-SARA in 2014. By establishing a standardized process for member states to approve and review participating institutions, as well as requiring these institutions to adhere to agreed-upon policies for distance education and out-of-state programs, NC-SARA helps ensure that access to educational opportunities is fair and that students receive quality support from their institutions. NC-SARA offers added oversight for student consumer protection.

Students are encouraged to review and understand how the university participating in SARA benefits them: SARA for Students.

West Virginia University academic programs are designed to prepare students for licensure or certification in West Virginia. Completion of a West Virginia University program may not meet educational requirements for licensure or certification in a state other than West Virginia. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state other than West Virginia, it is strongly recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding licensure or certification requirements. SARA does not cover professional licensing board approvals.

For more information about Professional Licensure, visit

If you have questions about State Authorization please contact


Students Located Outside of West Virginia: If a student located in a state outside of West Virginia has a complaint that involves distance learning, that student must first seek resolution with West Virginia University with the appropriate person or office at the university. If the student bringing the complaint is not satisfied with the outcome of the university’s internal processes, the student may file a complaint with university’s SARA State Portal Entity at the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission:

Lucy Kefauver, Director of Online Learning, Academic Affairs
1018 Kanawha Blvd East, Suite 700
Charleston, WV 25301


Students outside of West Virginia may also file a complaint with the State Portal Entity where they are located.

Students located in California should direct complaints to:

California Department of Consumer Affairs Consumer Information Center
1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112 Sacramento,
California 95834


Examples of types of student complaints that may be brought to the SARA State Portal Entity include veracity of recruitment and marketing materials, job placement data, accuracy of information about tuition, fees, and financial aid, accuracy of course transfer information. Complaints and appeals involving grades or student conduct violations will not be reviewed by the SARA State Portal Entity. For additional questions about how SARA consumer protection provisions assist students, please review NC-SARA's Student Complaint Process.

StudentsIf all other avenues provided have been exhausted, unresolved complaints may be filed with the Higher Learning Commission, the University’s regional accreditor.

Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604
